Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Media is my message

            The Medium Is The Massage is subjectively one of the best books that exists on the face of the Planet. It is brave, honest and its brevity only forces the readers mind to explore outside of our humble comfort zone of the written word. When I say brevity I mean it would be brief in the eyes of someone who is accustomed to reading endless waves of words that create a novel. If you are someone that appreciates different mediums, this book is not a quick read; not in its length, but simply in its provocative ideas.  "All media are extensions of some human faculty- psychic or physical" The idea of how media is not just something that appeals to our senses, but seeps through the pours of our skin, into our bloodstream and visits our oldest memories and the deepest crevices of our soul.
            As someone who would rename this book My Thought Process Volume. I, McLuhan has taken my short attention span, my enjoyment of art, culture and documentary, and the satisfaction I get from reading articles and created a book that should in my eyes should be bound with hair from a unicorns tail.
            Among the complexity of this book and its various interacting themes lies a root of communication. In this communicative root, we can better how exactly interpersonal communication as well as media communication works. Without communication between the people that populate planate earth, we would still be ape like. Communication is the driving force behind the past and future progression of this race and with McLuhan’s book dissecting this idea; it should be on the same shelf as the library. Past communication was perhaps more shallow because of its limited information and technology, but know that we know a lot about each other (perhaps too much) this idea of communication that started as a simple seed in a garden has grown into the beanstalk that Jack climbed on to reach the land of giants. “All media work us over completely. They are so pervasive in their personal, political, economic, aesthetic, psychological, moral, ethical, and social consequences that they leave no part of us untouched, unaffected, unaltered. The medium is the massage. Any understanding of social and cultural change is impossible without a knowledge of the way media work as environments.” Unless you make the most heroic effort of biblical proportion to escape the medias arms, you will fail. This makes media perhaps the most powerful institution in the universe. This godlike presence will make its CEO’s the most powerful people in the world and its creative backbone perhaps an ivy league of resourceful minds. Media is no longer will be announced as something that reaches people; it will be a vehicle for collective voice, good or bad we don’t know, but infinitely powerful non the less. Think about some of the greatest charity movements of our time. Yes Dr. King had 250,000 people behind him in Washington. In the very same city, The Live Earth concert connected the 400,000 in attendance to 2 billion others worldwide. 

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